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Quarantine 2: Terminal (John Pogue, 2011)
What will most immediately strike viewers of the series is
that Quarantine 2: Terminal largely
eschews the handheld, first-person camerawork of the other
[Rec] films to date. Though the
contrivance of explaining why a camera would be recording action on a plane is
admittedly avoided, the more conventional filmmaking is probably to blame for
making this the least scary entry of the series to date. Director Pogue attempts
to compensate for this change in direction by increasing both the complexity of
the plotting and film’s overall scale. He is only partially successful, however.
The body count is higher this time out and the back story behind the virus
extends somewhat here (in a direction that might be as unsatisfactory for some
viewers as [Rec] 2’s invocation of
the supernatural), but there is no moment here as brilliant as the one in
[Rec], in which a character was
bludgeoned to death by the handheld camera. Indeed, it is telling that one of
the scariest sequences in Terminal
involves a pair of night-vision goggles. This scene alone returns the film’s
style to the claustrophobic first-person perspective that has distinguished the
Still, that not is to suggest that
Quarantine 2: Terminal is a bust.
Judged on its own terms, the movie is a better than average, if somewhat
routine, horror effort. Gore is less important here than paranoia, and tension
largely arises from guessing which of the cast will be next to succumb to the
disease or to be eaten by a zombie-like infected. This sort of thing might be
less than the genre is capable of, but it is handled well enough by first-time
director Pogue. For those willing to put up with this rehash’s inherent
unoriginality, the fast-paced Quarantine
2: Terminal will deliver a reasonable number of scares. 57 Jeremy Heilman 07.18.11