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The Heiress (William Wyler, 1949)
As much as The Heiress
presents a battle of wills, it also is a battle of acting styles. The film’s
four leads (de Havilland, Clift, Richardson and Miriam Hopkins) each perform
with entirely different mannerisms and vocal rhythms, not only giving the
impression that these characters are ill-matched as societal equals, but almost
that they are in different films. Clift’s method suaveness clashes with de
Havilland’s stagey awkwardness, and both seem uncomfortable around Richardson’s
imported propriety. This friction only intensifies the drama, turning what is
already a tightly focused script into an almost unrelenting attrition of
Catherine’s dignity and faith in others. Even as it is made evident how
mismatched Catherine is for her role in life, the possibility of hope persists. The Heiress is
immaculately constructed and performed, making it a classic of its genre. The
deservedly Oscar-winning art direction emphasizes staircases, doors, and
mirrors, respectively emphasizing freedom, confinement and duplicity. These
instances of editorializing are typical of Wyler’s deep focus style, which is
somewhat reduced in power here when compared his very best moments, but
unobtrusive enough to allow the story and performers to remain the focal point.
Fortunately, each is in fine form in The
Heiress, an outstanding literary adaptation and a superb example of
Hollywood fare at its most intelligent and sharply honed. 82 Jeremy Heilman 08.14.12 |