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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Rob
Marshall, 2011)
Because the Pirates of
the Caribbean franchise has Depp’s Sparrow as its lead character, it
inevitably veers toward silliness. His unhinged performance unmoors the other
characters from any seriousness they might otherwise muster, giving the films an
energy that they might be able to sustain were they each not two and a half
hours long. While the first three entries in this series felt somewhat
imbalanced due to the presence of two earnest lovers, played by the doe-eyed
Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, here these characters have been jettisoned,
and the tone made more consistent. What results is a structure that feels closer
to that of a caper film. A number of unlikeable teams are seen racing off in
pursuit of the fabled fountain of youth. The sneakiest will inevitably win.
While the concept of Cannonball Run
as a pirate movie might initially seem mismatched, it seems the appropriate
amount of plot for the mad, mad world that Marshall is trying to create. A summer blockbuster like
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger
Tides generally lives or dies by its set pieces. Here, things are toned down
in scale, versus the other entries in the series, but the film ends up mildly
more successful than its predecessors for it. A reasonably exciting mermaid
attack is the most memorable action scene here, with much of the screen time
spent sketching out the characters’ romantic attraction or plots for revenge.
That this is expected to take the place of pyrotechnics is shocking and likely
to alienate audiences looking for a mindless thrill, but by the time
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger
Tides lumbered to the end of its 137 minutes, I was thankful for the change.
Saying that less is more with reference to a film that vomits so much over its
audience is absurd yet oddly appropriate here. 50 Jeremy Heilman 06.15.11