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Kidnapped (Miguel Ángel Vivas, 2010)
Director Vivas attempts to bolster the reality effect here by
filming in extended sequence shots. The climax of
Kidnapped, in particular, plays out
via split screen, over two extended takes that unfurl simultaneously and
eventually merge in a moment of false catharsis. These scenes are the highlight
of the film, to be sure, both in terms of filmmaking skill and storytelling
chutzpah, but they set up a particularly cruel payoff for an audience who has
spent a few hours suffering alongside this family of victims. The lack of moral
reckoning in Kidnapped gives the film
the feel of a horror movie, but what is on screen might be less thrilling than
most horror fans would hope. The decision to shoot scenes in uninterrupted
sequence shots means that most of the action here unfurls in real-time. This,
when combined with the dearth of plot development, means that the extended
midsection of the film becomes an uneventful waiting game, during which the
audience has little to focus on but their anticipation of the family’s eventual
attempts at retaliation. Until the jolts of the last reel come along, this
supposedly intense story is actually something of a snooze. Vivas, by generally
refusing to cut, imbues Kidnapped
with more gory details than the average thriller. The narrative cost at which
this verisimilitude comes, however, seems a touch too high. 46 Jeremy Heilman 07.16.11