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Cyrus (Jay Duplass | Mark Duplass, 2010)
An unpretentious lineup of actors is assembled to hash out some Oedipal issues
in the Duplass brothers’ dramedy Cyrus.
A modestly pitched foray into social awkwardness that centers on a sad-sack
loser (John C. Reilly) whose chance at new love is thwarted by the son of his
new girlfriend (Jonah Hill and Marisa Tomei, respectively), the film offers a
few mild laughs, but seems unsure whether it exists to satirize or psychoanalyze
the situation that it sets up. Shot in the mumblecore style that has come to
prominence in American indie films of the last few years,
Cyrus does little to distinguish
itself visually. At first, its handheld camerawork, its overreliance on
close-ups, and its short zooms that correspond to the characters’ small
epiphanies seem an odd fit for a plot that is predicated on emotional
subterfuge. It’s no great surprise, then (although certainly a disappointment
when entertainment value is considered), that the third act brings with it a
series of heart-to-heart reconciliations, which only superficially address the
ugly emotions that bubbled under the rest of the movie. The change of heart at
the end of Cyrus is a turn that
reaches for greatness, desperately trying to lend credibility to a style of
comedy that almost invariably tacks its emotional resolution on, but it still
feels forced.
More groundwork would need to have
been laid in Cyrus’ early scenes for
us to really begin to root for the characters’ emotional well-being. Reilly’s
role sees him as an outright stalker when he’s not a loser, Hill plays an
obsessive man-child, and Tomei is given only a sketch of a character to work
with (it’s never quite clear what see sees in the slovenly, homely slug that
Reilley plays or why she enables her pathetic son to such a degree).
Realistically, this scenario is hopeless, and begs the question of whether or
not we are really vested in seeing a sweet resolution to such a damaged setup.
As the audience wonders if sincerity is an adequate substitute for drama or
laughs, Cyrus careens toward a
misguided ending that mistakes brevity for profundity. The effect is
disappointing, as it cuts short the momentum that the actors begin to generate
as the plot twists itself. The end result feels both half-baked, and woefully
familiar, less like an antidote to Hollywood movies of this ilk than a wolf in
sheep’s clothing. Too sunny, and too kind, to be classified as a black comedy,
Cyrus chooses tidiness and warmth
over any truly biting message or frank appraisal of its characters.
Jeremy Heilman