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The American (Anton Corbijn, 2010)
To be certain, The
American offers not only a fantasy in its portrayal of its cool protagonist
and its idyllic European backdrop, but also a certain retrograde charm. By and
large, they don’t make movies like this any longer, and haven’t done so since
the 1970s (1971’s The Last Run echoes
strongly here). The American’s
closest point of comparison in recent cinema is probably Jim Jarmusch’s
The Limits of Control, which reveled
in similarly minimalist assassin action. Where
Limits was philosophical, though,
The American tends to be literal,
focused on the physical, the routine, and the boredom of a profession spent
largely trying to remain inconspicuous. Clooney’s performance belies little.
Corbijn includes few of the monologues that came regularly in the Jarmusch film.
His is a hitman film that respects the plots and arcs that drive the genre. Due
to the pacing and the slow, quiet accumulation of events, though,
The American feels fresh instead of
hackneyed, at least until its final act’s narrative quickening pushes things
back toward the conventional. To some degree, The
American is difficult to assess because it makes its stylish yearning seem
so effortless. Corbijn sustains his mood for so long and calculates his drama so
precisely that the film acquires a certain detached quality. Like his
protagonist, who spends no small amount of screen time polishing his latest
weapon to perfection, the director works in a finely calculated manner. He
thinks before he feels. While the jolt that comes with
The American’s opening scene provides
an unsettling emotional undercurrent that resonates throughout the rest of the
movie, for some viewers, it’s likely to be too little. For those willing to
accept a slower pace, even if the resulting film is not exactly contemplative,
however, The American could be
a pleasurable experience. 66 Jeremy Heilman 09.03.10