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The Young Victoria (Jean-Marc Vallée, 2009)
The Young Victoria, like its
fledgling protagonist takes a while to come into its own. The movie’s first
half-hour is a bit overdetermined, struggling to familiarize viewers with a slew
of biographical detail. Subtitles are used at the start of each scene to tell us
where and when we are. A series of character actors (Jim Broadbent, Harriet
Walter, Miranda Richardson, Paul Bettany, etc…) are introduced in rapid
succession. In these early scenes, Julian Fellowes’ script crams in so much
historical incident and so many subsidiary characters that some depth, and some
elegance, is sacrificed. To accommodate this much information, the style at
first appears too aggressive. Edits occur as gates slam or as a close-up in one
location transports us to another. A constant, overcompensating momentum
threatens to stifle the story. As the movie progresses, and things settle down,
however, Vallée’s direction improves, even if it never achieves sublimity. His
filmmaking’s defining characteristic here is nothing more than its own
The Young Victoria begins, it spends
a great deal of energy detailing the aspirant Queen’s sheltered life.
Interesting subsidiary details abound, even as the struggle to displace her
through a regency order takes center stage. We learn that she had to hold an
adult’s hand whenever she walked up or down stairs and that she was disallowed
modern novels until she turned seventeen. As the drama that took place around
the time of her coronation plays out, her rookie mistakes are laid out and
lessons are learned. Much is made about her choice of advisors, and even more
comes about due to her choice of attendants. This squabbling hardly seems the
stuff that defines great monarchs, but such low-key drama prefigures the
domestic focus that is to come.
Later, it’s her courtship of Indeed,
The Young Victoria becomes most
interesting in the ways it resists the easy temptations of the modern royal
biopic, opting to humanize the Queen whenever possible. Blunt is a witty actress, and seems a
natural casting decision to play royalty. The drama here to some degree depends
on Victoria’s defiance, but it’s difficult not to wish that this film played to
Blunt’s strengths as an actress, and gave her even more opportunities to be
imposing and haughty. As The Young
Victoria settles into a warm domesticity, a procession of events begins to
overtake some of the drama and personality that she worked to generate. The one
moment in which Victoria asserts herself, surprising her husband with a royal
tantrum, is unsurprisingly Blunt’s best.
Perhaps, there’s not that much in the actual young Victoria’s life that lends itself to drama. As is, Fellowes’ screenplay has to contrive a gunshot injury for Prince Albert, so his Queen can discover how much she adores him (the assassination attempts were real, his injury was not). There’s only so much territory that Vallée can cover here, since Victoria’s later life was given rather definitive treatment in the 1997 film Mrs. Brown. What is left over from Victoria’s history seems rather quaint, resulting in a movie that is well-meaning, and certainly well-mounted, but somewhat devoid of real excitement. 50 Jeremy Heilman 07.09.09