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The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Niels Arden Oplev,
The two detectives that Larson has invented are inanely drawn
characters. One, played by Michael Nyqvist, is a disgraced leftist journalist
sentenced to jail after losing a rigged libel case. The other, embodied by Noomi
Rapace, who does what she can with her material, is a laughable contrivance
who’s been simultaneously conceived as helpless victim, anti-hero, goth badass,
genius hacker, available seductress, and untouchable lesbian. The ridiculous
trail of clues that the two heroes follow push the film into the same absurd
territory covered a few years ago by The
DaVinci Code, although Tattoo
carries with it a distinctive brand of sadism to call its own. Tattoo features a
few protracted rape scenes that seem classifiable as its most noteworthy
element, which is ironic given that the film is claiming a stance against
patriarchal oppression (in the hyperbolic form of Nazis, family patriarchs, and
even random street thugs). Straightforward exploitation seems preferable, or at
least more honest, than this sort of faux-empowering feminist posturing. Several
scenes here, including a particularly nasty one involving a sexually aggressive
probation officer, are surely more lurid than they need to be. Elsewhere, the
film is slickly and anonymously made, although a few of Oplev’s montages stand
out because they bombard us with confusing expository information that surely
must have been more fleshed out in the source novel. The overload of plotting
dulls the impact here. Less surely would have been more.
There is something hokey and familiar about
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo that
almost makes you believe it could work. Its mystery setup, its underdog
characters and its ample Gothic atmosphere could have conspired to create
something entertaining. Unfortunately, while the film offers silly fun for a
while, its ultimate schizophrenia and self-seriousness become its undoing. 40 Jeremy Heilman 07.11.10