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Metallica: Some Kind of Monster (Joe Berlinger &
Bruce Sinofsky, 2004)
Popular rock music has always been
something of a multimedia product, since image is so intrinsically tied into the
success of most recording artists. One side effect of this symbiotic relationship is the
emergence of the rock film, which has more often produced disastrous results
than genius. If Metallica: Some Kind of
Monster, the new documentary by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky, can’t be
called genius, there’s no denying the successfulness of its approach. The film
effectively strips down the band’s macho image, revealing them to be both more
sensitive and more guarded than their boisterous onstage personas would have one
believe. The hook here is that the band, which has recently lost a member due to
a creative dispute, has taken on a psychiatrist in an effort to eradicate the
negative energy that exists between the bandmates. This decision results in an
atmosphere that is considerably more confessional and confrontational than in
the usual backstage film. Berlinger and Sinofsky had previously been given
rights to the band's music for their docuementary Paradise Lost: The Child
Murders at Robin Hood Hills, which suggests there exists an artistic respect
between them and their subjects. Judging by the access that the filmmakers have,
they have clearly gained Metallica's trust. As they trace the epic recording
process of Metallica’s “St. Anger” album, the movie simultaneously
documents the maturation of the heavy metal supergroup. One of Some Kind of
Monster's prime concerns is the question of whether or not the band can
continue to create their brand of aggressive rock without endangering their new,
straight-laced lives, which suddenly include familial obligations.
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster will indubitably appeal more to fans of the
band than the uninitiated, since it gives a rare amount of access to their
creative process. Still, because of that unexpected level of intimacy, it will
likely hold the interest of even those with no interest in heavy metal bands. The squabbles that Metallica
engages in frequently concern the creative control of the band,
and that struggle for power within a collective gives the movie a more universal
theme to chase after. The directors explore the band’s troubled past and
turbulent present in an attempt to understand the egos at play. The movie does
an excellent job of presenting the distinct personalities that make up the band,
and when they clash, dramatic moments and delays in the recording process are
sure to follow. As the recording sessions stretch into their second year, and
the movie moves well into its second hour, the proceedings take on a suitably
epic feel, the reactions of the members of Metallica to stressful situations
become familiar, and the advice of their $40,000 a month psychiatrist begins to
feel increasingly suspect. It’s a bit disappointing that the true roots of the
band’s problems never come to the fore. The group therapy sessions they
undergo remain almost exclusively focused on the band’s dynamics, with most of
their personal demons being glossed over. It’s an understandable omission, and
difficult to hold as a flaw, since the documentary does indeed provide nearly unprecedented
access into a dysfunctional band’s damage control system.
Jeremy Heilman