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Wrong Turn (Rob Schmidt, 2003)
Rob Schmidt’s Wrong Turn, the
most recent in the spate of post-Blair Witch woody horror romps, is
better than the average entry in the subgenre because it eschews exposition in
favor of thrills. Set in a remote area in West Virginia, this monster movie
follows a group of attractive teens as they are hunted by a group of seemingly
inbred, redneck cannibals that remain unexplained outside of the credits
sequence. The kids invoke Deliverance by name at one point, but in its
stripped down narrative thrust and its level of sustained suspense, the film it
most vividly recalls is Walter Hill’s masterful bayou thriller Southern
Comfort. Much like the fright classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wrong
Turn doesn’t attempt to clarify the presence or motivation of the monsters
that terrorize the teens. Instead, it effectively and simply presents them as
little more than a presence that needs to be escaped from. Because of this
fortunate paucity of time-wasting elucidation, the majority of the film
maintains the same level of queasy, rising tension that the gripping opening
scenes of Jeepers Creepers did. Even though the villains of the piece
appear on screen throughout, the primary lesson learned here from Blair Witch
seems to be that the fear of the unknown is scarier than just about anything the
screenwriters could concoct.
Despite the seeming debt to Blair
Witch, due to the copious amount of gore that Wrong Turn has, it almost seems
a throwback to the days when slasher films dominated the horror genre. As a
result, it’s likely to prompt nostalgic pangs in those who were, like this
viewer, reared on Fangoria magazine. Of course there’s not much that’s
defensible in the film’s stylization and glorification of violent death, but
it makes for transfixing cinema nonetheless. I can’t remember the last
CGI-laden epic that featured effects that affected me as much as the prosthetic
gore effects (courtesy of Stan Winston) in Wrong Turn. In a market
saturated with PG-13 horror spectacles, arty subversions of the genre, and
foreign films that substitute tension for grisliness, the presence a straightforward
approach coupled with images
gruesome enough to actually disturb is refreshing. Surely Schmidt’s deft
direction, and not the gore alone, is to credit for the effectiveness of the
film (Eli Roth’s similarly bloody Cabin Fever is anemic in comparison). Even
if there's nothing as fiendishly clever as in Final Destination 2,
the pacing here is more consistent and the mood is better sustained. It’s only in its somewhat limp final act, in which the characters take
turns hitting the monsters in the back of the head, that Wrong Turn
starts to lose some of its momentum. Otherwise, it’s as good a horror
film as we’re likely to see this year.
* * *
Jeremy Heilman