Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (Robert Rodriguez, 2003)
Considering their massive box-office and
home video success, it’s obvious that Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids
movies are enjoyable to someone, but I can’t help but notice that I’m not
one of those people. I skipped the second because I hated the first (reports
that it was inferior left me exasperated), and I regret getting suckered into
the third entry into this wholly disposable franchise. To me, Daryl Sabara, the
lead actor in the three films, is one of the most unappealing screen presences
in modern cinema. His complete lack of charisma renders these hollow movies even
emptier. A long history of bad child performances has lowered the community
standard, I suppose, but his extraordinarily insufficient screen presence is
almost unforgivable. In a media culture that is quick to jump on the lack of
chemistry between on screen pairs like Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, why
should this untalented pre-teen be given a free pass? Perhaps if critics
attacked his performances savagely, Rodriguez wouldn’t have made the
boneheaded move of toning down the ensemble in the third film so that Sabara
could assume a lead role.
Spy Kids 3-D’s
writer/director/producer/editor/production designer/visual effects
supervisor/composer/cinematographer Rodriguez sometimes manages to dazzle with
his genre exercises (especially with From Dusk 'Till Dawn, which had the
benefit of a solid Tarantino script), but he seems far too taken with his own
enjoyment in making this film for it to achieve any sort of weight. They
aren’t built to hold any emotional resonance, and he should have the sense to
realize that. The series of feel-good aphorisms spouted here (most dubiously by
a wheelchair-bound grandpa) give what feel like morals, but they are so
obligatory that they are almost offensive. If Rodriguez was content to simply
present these movies as a thrill ride they'd be less risible to me, but as is,
they approach torture. He insists on being everything to everyone, and by doing
that is pandering to his audience.
When one strips away the gimmick of 3-D
glasses, the gimmick of celebrity cameos, the gimmick of CGI effects, and the
gimmick of casting children as super-spies, there’s literally almost nothing
left here. Though Rodriguez’s seeming one-man operation is somewhat impressive
in concept, the results are decidedly inferior to most action/adventure fare.
The franchise’s typically ugly special effects and art direction are
somewhat masked here by the use of headache inducing 3-D glasses, but it's
scarcely an improvement for this uniquely unattractive cycle of movies. Though the first
film had some inherent freshness in its premise, by now, the string of sequels is simply
going through the motions, recycling images that we’ve previously seen and
trying to continue to surprise us as stars reprise their cameos. The series seems to
have morphed into a shallow spectacle in which even the glitz can’t impress
any longer. With luck, Rodriguez will learn something from Spy Kids 3-D’s
artistic failures (though its financial success is rather discouraging).
Jeremy Heilman