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Battle Royale II
(Kinji Fukasaku, 2003)
Despite a fair amount of success in its native Japan, Kinji Fukasaku’s Battle Royale never managed to get distribution in the United
States. A bit too close to the hot-button issue of teen violence for comfort,
the movie proved to be controversial enough that no domestic distributor wanted
to be associated with it. Nevertheless, the movie managed to become something of
a cult item, gaining notoriety through festival play and grey market sales. Battle
Royale II turns out to be even less marketable here than the original was,
given the current American political clime. The film is directly critical of US
foreign policy, sympathetic toward terrorists, and, above all, judgmental of the
concept of a military draft. Set during a Christmas holiday, Battle Royale II, like its predecessor, begins as a class of 42 high
school students is selected, against its will, and forced to play a deadly game
of survival. While the first film had the students facing off against one
another, however, the sequel sees them forced into mandatory military service at
the hands of a government that is combating a rogue group of teenager
Unfortunately, even though Battle Royale
II starts with the promise of a new take on the original’s premise, it
soon loses faith in its own high-concept setup. The body count here is
front-loaded, with the number of teens dwindling down to twelve, well before the
film’s halfway point. From the midsection on, the plot is overwhelmed by
sentimental subplots, resulting in a dilution of the opening’s visceral
impact. Some sequences still work marvelously. There’s an inspired sequence
that mimics the style of Saving Private
Ryan’s Omaha Beach sequence with such near-parodic accuracy, and total
appropriateness, that it demonstrates something that I’ve always felt about
Spielberg’s film: in its thrilling depiction of combat, it’s more an action
movie than a war movie. Like Private Ryan,
Battle Royale II is a politically simple movie that uses pretensions
of larger themes to justify its gory action shoot-outs. The start of the film
deals with dichotomies such as adult/child, winner/loser, and
fascist/revolutionary, and then, through the process of the characters’
maturation, shows how those simplifications are a sham. War is consistently
called out as a childish act that adults happen to indulge in, and much is made
of the United States’ perceived tendency to bomb first and ask questions
later, but ultimately it’s inescapable that the main reason anyone’s going
to watch Battle Royale II is to see
teenagers blow up.
Jeremy Heilman