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Reign of Fire (Rob Bowman) 2002
As far as unexpected movie pleasures go, a wild,
out-of-nowhere performance in a somewhat mediocre and predictable movie has to
rank near the top. Though there’s nothing truly bad about Rob Bowman’s Reign
of Fire, the clear reason that the time spent watching it will be memorable
later on is Matthew McConaughey’s turn as the American military commander
Denton “the Dragonslayer” Van Zan. From the moment he appears on screen,
McConaughey seems physically and behaviorally transformed from what we’ve seen
in the past. He’s far buffer, butcher, and focused than one would think
possible here (in his earlier work, he seemed a bit laid-back and hazy), and he actively recalls the comic book hero Sgt. Rock, as he rides on
screen straddling a tank. After a fistfight, he swaggers boldly across the
screen, leading with his pelvis. Even the most clichéd lines that are put in
his mouth, like “At dawn, we bury our dead,” have some kind of macho gusto
behind them, and work as a result. Though he might not reach the heights that
Robert Duvall did in his brief role as an astonishingly unfazed C.O. in Apocalypse
Now, he manages to recall that great caricature. Best of all, since he’s
playing such an exaggerated lunkhead, he seems to be the only one who’s clued
into how preposterous this film’s premise is, which at least gives the
audience someone they can really rally behind while watching the silliness.
That silly premise shows an Earth of the near future
that’s been besieged by a race of hidden dragons. Mostly though, it’s an
excuse to hang a series of sequences that seem combine elements from nearly
every action movie every made. There are chases on horseback and chases in
helicopters, fistfights and gunfights, paratroopers and elevators, and all of
them feature some scary computer-generated dragons. Most of the excitement comes
from the sheer audacity in these juxtapositions. If the dragons themselves
aren’t exceptionally impressive (what CGI is these days?), the movie doesn’t
squander them entirely either. Their burnt-out London rookery is pretty darn
cool. Problems arise mostly when the humans start talking: the dialogue is
rather dreadful. It’s also unfortunate that Bowman decided that it was of
utmost importance that we understand that these men were fighting their fight
“for their children.” There’s a gaggle of them, and whenever they’re
onscreen, the movie becomes something sappier and stupider (though an early
scene where Christian Bale takes credit for inventing the Star Wars myth
is pretty clever). Thankfully, the movie doesn’t waste too much of our time
with that sort of needless character development, and gets to the exciting parts
quickly. Bonus points go to it since, unlike most summer blockbusters of late,
it’s satisfied to have just one climax at the end.
* * 1/2
Jeremy Heilman