8 Mile (Curtis Hanson) 2002
Just about the last thing that I expected a movie starring
controversial rapper Eminem to be was boring, but that’s the word that most
immediately springs to mind when I consider Curtis Hanson’s 8 Mile. Set
on the streets of Detroit in 1995, the film shows a semi-autobiographical but
still fictional chronicle of the rapper’s rise to fame. Playing here a
character named Rabbit, Eminem reveals himself as a horribly untalented actor.
Moping about with his hood over his head and his face down half the time, he
exhibits little of the charisma required to make us believe that Rabbit could be
destined for something bigger than life in a trailer park. That this is a
Hollywood film that features lead characters that live in a trailer park at all
is something quite uncommon, especially because the dwelling is presented
without any kind of cuteness. There’s real social observation here, it seems
at first, but it all dissolves when the movie’s plot becomes apparent. The
trailer park is only representative of poverty, and as true to Hollywood form,
poverty is something that must be escaped. The characters in the movie seem to
use their rap music less as a means of self-expression than as a lottery ticket
that they hope might pay off one day. By
making the music in the film, which is mostly presented in a series of
battle-raps, all about the bling-bling, the film confirms my biggest fears about
Eminem’s sincerity as an artist.
Listening to Eminem’s music CD “The Marshall Mathers
LP” is a harrowing but invigorating experience. As a rapper, Eminem spins his persona
so that the line between his hyperbolic humor and his worldview blurs. As
the disc continues, he continues to push the envelope further than before,
culminating in the genuinely shocking track “Kim”, which graphically
simulates a fatal domestic dispute. Nothing in 8 Mile comes within miles
of that sort of intensity. Rabbit gets involved in a domestic dispute at one
point, but it’s because he’s protecting his mother from an abusive
boyfriend. Throughout the movie, everything that made Eminem compelling (if not
likable) on CD is reduced and sanitized in a similar fashion. Rabbit has
outbursts, but they’re all made almost justifiable with a lot of boring
exposition. One must wonder what would compel a rapper with his stature and
success to compromise so willingly. “The Eminem Show”, his follow-up to
“Mathers LP” likewise makes many concessions toward mainstream
acceptability, and like 8 Mile that move seems like a baffling step in
the career of someone purporting to tell it like it is. If selling 15 million
records instead of 10 million is worth selling out, maybe the real-world
rapper’s music is all about the bling-bling.
In any case, the serious lack of danger in 8 Mile
hampers things greatly. Can’t a persona so outsized be squeezed into something
better than a limp remake of Prince’s Purple Rain? It’s telling that
co-star Brittany Murphy, who plays Rabbit’s temporary girlfriend Alex, gives
the film not only its best performance but also its most dangerous moments. A
sex scene that Alex and Rabbit share is the only thing here that feels
spontaneous, and Alex’s momentary half-embarrassed, half-naughty giggle after
they’re done has more sex appeal than Eminem seems capable of ever scrounging
up. Murphy gives the movie a bit of presence whenever she’s around, and it’s
to Hanson’s credit that he presents her character as someone who’s smarter
and more driven than Rabbit. The rest of the supporting cast seems utterly
subservient to him though, and as the center of the movie’s universe, Eminem
is seriously lacking any sort of gravity that can hold the pieces together. It's
no wonder, then, that 8 Mile falls apart.
* *
Jeremy Heilman