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Rosemary’s Baby (Roman Polanski) 1968
one of the best horror films ever made, Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby
is so internally frenzied that it feels like an extended fever dream. In some
ways it’s some of the most sadistic black comedy imaginable, and the way that
the film gradually turns its heroine’s fears about her pregnancy and
relationship into reality has an almost poetic justice. Rosemary creates some
bad karma, and it’s only natural that the unfounded suspicions that she has
come back to haunt her when her wildest fantasies turn out to be true. Anchored
by a brilliant and naturalistic performance by Mia Farrow as Rosemary, the film
is one of the director’s best. Even if its goals are relatively modest when
compared to the director’s towering Chinatown, it’s almost as
effective a genre piece. Its setting of unspeakable evils in the sterile home
environment is a theme also visible in his quite similar Repulsion, but
in typical American fashion the horrors here are much more overt than in that
European film.
Perhaps one of the greatest pleasures of the film is that since it
so determinedly fixes itself to Rosemary’s point of view, it allows her
character to be genuinely perceptive and intelligent. It’s not far into the
film that she begins to be distrustful of her neighbors, and her actions have a
sense of logic behind them that’s far greater than you usually find in a
horror movie. A lot of this might be because Farrow really seems to think before
she speaks. Her childish face belies the cunning mind behind it, and the
performance uses that time and again to its advantage, and when she wants to
appear completely vulnerable, she has no problem pulling that off either. Still,
there’s no doubt that Polanski deserves the bulk of the credit here. His
direction seems to expand the confines of the film, which is mostly set in one
apartment, to the point that Rosemary’s perception of things suggests an
entire corrupt world. Filled with several inventive visual metaphors that often
echo the protagonist’s state of mind and a surprisingly astute use of color,
this is top-notch stuff. Though the film doesn’t often use shock techniques,
the overall mood is exceptionally creepy. Since we genuinely like Rosemary, the
film’s slow boil toward its inevitable denouement is almost unbearable.
Ultimately, Rosemary’s Baby is a finely modulated a horror film you’re
likely to come across.
**** Masterpiece
Jeremy Heilman