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Breathless (Jean-Luc Godard) 1960
That sort of self-aware
machismo is somewhat off-putting, however, until the film introduces Patricia
(Jean Seberg), a doggedly independent young American for whom Michel professes
his love. There’s an undeniably great chemistry between the two, and they make
one of the most attractive and genuine couples in all of cinema. Yet, we wonder
what she’s doing with such an obviously manipulative, conniving dog like him
until Godard trots out the film’s great set piece. After so many scenes that
abbreviate the film’s running time, using jump cuts to cut out extraneous
material, Breathless delivers a stunning twenty-five minute sequence set
in Patricia’s bedroom. Though the jump cuts continue, the mood remains
unbroken. Godard shows a startling ability here to turn audience expectations on
end. This is the sequence that still best exemplifies the radical spirit of the
film, and there’s not a gun in sight. It also does a teriffic job of rounding
out Michel and Patricia. After this sequence, we’re stuck caring about these
clever kids. The self awareness that Godard worked to build becomes an charming
part of their point of view. For all of its militant lashes against the
establishment, it’s surprising, and endearing, that the film finds so much to
like about someone who swallows the mainstream’s message whole. That mixture of love and
hate is the movie’s driving force, however. Surely the way that it fetishizes
American pop culture, and celebrates its vibrant energy, stands in direct
opposition to the fate that befalls Michel for buying into it (and the woman
it’s produced). Michel himself claims he’s the one guy that loves the cops,
yet he’s hunted for killing one. There’s also the perception of the city of
Paris, which is often so well shot that you understand why the film is called Breathless,
but is generally revealed to be far less grand than the romanticized notions of
other films suggest it is. All of these contradictions only underline the
feeling of restlessness that lies at the film’s core, however. It’s as if
Godard was acutely aware of the state of cinema, which included both its general
malaise and its yearning for more, and, like Michel, finally decided something
had to be done when he made Breathless. It stands as a stunning success,
not just because of that sense of “right place, right time”, however. The
vitality of Godard’s vision has created something more universal and beautiful
that is capable of catapulting the film’s energy out of 1959 France, and into
wherever it may be viewed. **** Masterpiece 01-01-02 Jeremy Heilman