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Sullivan’s Travels (Preston Sturges) 1942
Preston Sturges’ Sullivan’s
Travels moves at a such an astonishing fever pitch for much of its first
half, that it’s unfortunate that it eventually gets bogged down a bit by a
message. The film opens with an exceptionally long take in a boardroom that
shows us such rapid-fire verbal sharpness that you must wonder if this is one of
the greatest films ever made. For about forty minutes, mixing satire, slapstick,
and farce, it might be, but the film bowls in with a dubious message that
laughter is the antidote to poverty that’s laid on so thick that it undermines
things a bit. The perfectly realized hijinks that had dominated the film to the
midway point gives way to a sort of soggy social realism that feels far more
socially responsible than realistic. Sturges never seems anything less than
surefooted in his approach here and the message is there for the taking, but I
am not sure that I buy it. The film’s tonal shifts are bold attempts to push
drama and comedy together, but some of the dramatic elements, especially the
film’s segment featuring a too-greedy vagrant, feel more like something the
Hays Code tacked on, instead of intrinsic pieces of the overall picture. The
ending is so neatly wrapped up that you don’t really get the impression that
Sullivan, who undertakes a journey to see the common man, ever thought of the
hobos and working class that he saw as anything besides the simple-minded
Lilliputians that he assumed flocked to his films.


Still, it’s tough to deny that a lot of Sullivan’s Travels works. It’s no wonder that the film remains
hugely influential to this day. It is obviously referenced by the Coen’s O
Brother, Where Art Thou?, but it’s closer in subject matter to their Barton
Fink. Other films like Dr. T. &
The Women, which adopts a similar tone and a lead named Sullivan Travis, are
still are paying homage. Like the work of the Coen brothers, Sturges uses his
cast of character actors exceptionally. The leads are fine as well, however.
Joel McCrea, as Sullivan, somehow manages to make a prep-school educated film
director feel like an Everyman by the film’s end. Veronica Lake, who
apparently was very pregnant during the film’s shoot, manages to convey at
once a sex appeal so acute that it’s humbling and off-putting and an
endearing, demure approachability. It’s unfortunate that she is largely absent
during the second half of the film. Much of the dialogue is insanely well
written, and the film’s ably directed. The satire directed at Hollywood feels
at once razor-sharp and in good fun. It’s a shame that all of Sullivan’s
Travels doesn’t consistently reach the heights of the first half’s
frenzy, but few movies sustain such raucousness for a scene, much less an entire
Jeremy Heilman